Upcoming shows
- 22/03/25 Dunkelbunt Social Club in Vienna at Nordbahnsaal Buy Tickets
- 31/03/25 [dunkelbunt] LIVE in Vienna at Odeon Buy Tickets
- 12/04/25 [dunkelbunt] LIVE in Vienna at 25hourshotel
- 20/06/25 [dunkelbunt] DJ Set in Hamburg at Fabrik Buy Tickets
Tag Archives: New Track
Title: Fame
Artists: [dunkelbunt] & Lisa Cantabile
Label: [dunkelbunt records]
Labelcode: LC 43551
Cat.No: DBR35
Rel. Date: 2020/02/28
TT: 02:52
Format: Digital
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Genre: Trip Hop, Jazz, Lounge, Downtempo
Innig und im Helldunkel eines Film-Noir der 40er Jahre, spielt Lisa Cantabiles Song “Fame” mit einem klassischen Motiv. Die Sängerin sucht in dieser [dunkelbunt]-Produktion sehr bewusst die Nähe zum Genre, zum Drama und zum großen cinematischen Klangformat: Reiche Geigen und großer Hallraum, wohltemperiert in jazzigen Trip-Hop Beats.
Nach der Hit-Single Viens avec moi (2019) besticht diese zweite Kooperation von Lisa Cantabile und Ulf [dunkelbunt] Lindemann durch das elegante Spiel mit Moods und Attitüden.
Lisa Cantabile – Die geborene Wienerin wuchs in Rwanda und Mozambique auf und studierte am Wiener Gustav Mahler Konservatorium für Musik und darstellende Kunst Gesang. Sie lebt als Jazz-Singer-Songwriterin und Yoga-Instruktorin in Wien.
Ulf [dunkelbunt] Lindemann ist Producer, DJ und Bandleader. Geboren 1979 in Hamburg, lebt seit 2001 in Wien. Elf Alben, mehr als 1.500 Live-Auftritte weltweit, mehr als 100 Millionen Audio-Streams. – Auf den internationaler Durchbruch mit der Balkan-Hip Hop Produktion The Chocolate Butterfly ft. RAF Camora (2006) folgt Cinnamon Girl (2007) als Electro Swing-Hit und -Klassiker; Mountain Jumper (2015) wurde ORF-“Album des Jahres” 2015. [dunkelbunt] + Band ist ein weltweit gebuchter Live-Act in den Bereichen “World”, “Transglobal”, “Dub”, “Balkan Beats”, “Electro Swing”. – Im Dezember 2019 ist das Album The Vienna Tapes – limited edition erschienen.
Colored in the chiaroscuro of a film noir of the 40s, Lisa Cantabile’s intimate song “Fame” plays with a classic motif. In this [dunkelbunt] production, the singer deliberately seeks proximity to the genre, the drama and the large cinematic sound format: rich violins and a large reverberation room, well-tempered in jazzy trip-hop down-tempo beats.
After the hit single Viens avec moi (2019), this second cooperation of Lisa Cantabile and Ulf [dunkelbunt] Lindemann captivates with its elegant treatment of moods and attitudes.
Lisa Cantabile was born in Vienna, grew up in Rwanda / Mozambique and studied singing at the Vienna Gustav Mahler Conservatory of Music and Performing Arts. She lives as a jazz singer-songwriter and yoga instructor in Vienna.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann is a producer, DJ and bandleader. Born 1979 in Hamburg and living in Vienna since 2001. Eleven album-releases, 1.500+ live acts worldwide, 100 Million+ audio streams. His international breakthrough came with the Balkan-Hip-Hop single The Chocolate Butterfly ft. RAF Camora (2006) and the Electro Swing follow up hit Cinnamon Girl (2007). The album Mountain Jumper (2015) was awarded the ORF “Album of the Year 2015”. [dunkelbunt] + Band is a internationally successful live act in the genres “World”, “Transglobal”, “Dub”, “Balkan Beats”, “Electro Swing. Latest Release: The Vienna Tapes – limited edition (December 2019).
RAF Camora, Anuradha Genrich, Kadero Rai, Lisa Cantabile, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Boban Markovic Orkestar, Amsterdam Klezmer Band, Waldeck, Harri Stojka, Otto Lechner, Balkan Beat Box, 17 Hippies, The Cat Empire, A-WA, Chancha Via Circuito, Sara Lugo.
Out now: Hiroshima Mon Amour
Title: Hiroshima Mon Amour
Artist: [dunkelbunt]
Release date: 02.08.2019
Label: [dunkelbunt records]
Labelcode: LC43551
Cat. No.: DBR31
Format: Digital
TT: 00:03:45
Artist: [dunkelbunt]
Release date: 02.08.2019
Label: [dunkelbunt records]
Labelcode: LC43551
Cat. No.: DBR31
Format: Digital
TT: 00:03:45
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Genre: Asia Hop, Chillhop, Trip Hop
Tags: #bassofasia #shuffle #oriental #cinematic #electronic #dopebeats #downbeat #chillout #ambientmusic #ambient #lounge #buddhabar #cafedelmar #chillhouse #hiroshima
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Composed as a part of the project “Transglobal Exodus Complex” – Chapter ASIA FILES, this new track plays with various motives of the “Far East” fantasy and resumes [dunkelbunt]s earlier sampling and turntablism experiments.
The reference to the feature film of the same name and to the topic of atomic bombing was at first rather associative: The theme of yearning for a different, “Oriental” world is reflected in the bitter-sweet violins (erhu), in the percussive plucked strings and in the song line recorded by the singer Lisa Cantabile: “Ne me quitte pas, mon Amour”.
Due to the deliberately associative production process and in the context of current DJ mixes such as “Bass of Asia” and “Bass of India”, the track “Hiroshima Mon Amour” is a further step within [dunkelbunt]s exploration of the topics “Asia” and “Far East”. It includes dark aspects such as civilization collapse and climate change into the musical imagination. Daniel Krammer’s artwork, which was carried out in the [dunkelbunt]-studio, integrates these apocalyptic vibes, but remains – just like the leisurely shuffling track – confident and serene.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann is a producer, DJ and bandleader. Born 1979 in Hamburg and living in Vienna since 2001. He has a degree in Piano and Keyboard Instruments at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. His international breakthrough came with the Balkan-Hip-Hop single „The Chocolate Butterfly“ ft. Raf Camora (2006) and the Electro Swing follow up hit „Cinnamon Girl“ (2007). The album „Mountain Jumper“ (2015) was awarded the ORF „Album of the Year 2015“. [dunkelbunt] + Band is a internationally successful live act in the genres „World“, „Transglobal Club Music“, „Dub“, „Balkan Beats“ and „Electro Swing“.
Raf Camora, Anuradha Genrich, Kadero Rai, Lisa Cantabile, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Boban Markovic Orkestar, Amsterdam Klezmer Band, Waldeck, Harri Stojka, Otto Lechner, Balkan Beat Box, 17 Hippies, The Cat Empire, A-WA, Chancha Via Circuito, Sara Lugo.
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Der im Rahmen der Arbeit am “Transglobal Exodus Complex” – Chapter ASIA FILES – entstandene Track spielt mit verschiedenen Motiven der Fernost-Sehnsucht und stellt eine Wiederaufnahme von [dunkelbunt]s früheren Sampling- und Turntablism-Experimenten dar.
Der Bezug zum gleichnamigen Spielfilm und zum Thema des Atombombenabwurfs war zunächst eher assoziativ: Das Thema der Sehnsucht nach einer anderen, fernöstlichen Welt spiegelt sich in den süß-schwermütigen Geigen (Erhu), in den perkussiv gezupften Strings sowie in der von der Sängerin Lisa Cantabile eingespielten Liedzeile “Ne me quitte pas, mon Amour”.
Gerade durch den bewusst assoziativen Produktionsprozess und im Kontext von aktuellen DJ-Mixes wie “Bass of Asia” und “Bass of India” stellt “Hiroshima Mon Amour” allerdings auch eine Weiterführung und Brechung von [dunkelbunt]s Auseinandersetzung mit “Asien” dar: Mit seinen Anspielungen auf den Film bezieht “Hiroshima Mon Amour” auch Schattenseiten wie Zivilisations-Kollaps, Klimawandel und Krisen in den Schwellenländern in die musikalische Phantasie mit ein. Daniel Krammers – ebenfalls im [dunkelbunt]-Studio entstandene – Titelgrafik integriert diese apokalyptischen Vibes, bleibt dabei jedoch – genau wie der gemächlich shuffelnde Track – zuversichtlich und heiter.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann ist Producer, DJ und Bandleader. Geboren 1979 in Hamburg, lebt seit 2001 in Wien. Studium für Klavier & Tasteninstrumente an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Dem internationalen Durchbruch mit der Balkan-Hip Hop Produktion “The Chocolate Butterfly” ft. Raf Camora (2006) folgte der Electro Swing-Hit “Cinnamon Girl” (2007). Das Album “Mountain Jumper” (2015) wurde zum “Album des Jahres 2015” gekürt (ORF). [dunkelbunt] + Band ist ein weltweit gebuchter Live-Act in den Bereichen “World”, “Transglobal”, “Dub”, “Balkan Beats”, “Electro Swing”.
Raf Camora, Anuradha Genrich, Kadero Rai, Lisa Cantabile, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Boban Markovic Orkestar, Amsterdam Klezmer Band, Waldeck, Harri Stojka, Otto Lechner, Balkan Beat Box, 17 Hippies, The Cat Empire, A-WA, Chancha Via Circuito, Sara Lugo.
Out now: Weit Weg ft. Alix
Title: Weit Weg (exodus edit)
Artist: [dunkelbunt] ft Alix
Label: [dunkelbunt records]
Labelcode: LC 43551
Cat.No: DBR028
Rel. Date: 2019/05/24
TT: 2:21
Format: Digital
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Genre: Deutsch Rap, Hip Hop
Tags: #dunkelbunt #alix #weitweg #india #sitar #tabla #trap #bass #electronic #hiphop #rap #scat #konnakol #haiderkhan #deutschrap #exoduskomplex #transglobal #wanderlust
Fernweh heißt jetzt “Weit Weg“!
[dunkelbunt] und Alix liefern die Sehnsuchtsmelodie für diesen Sommer.
Rap trifft Konnakol, den südindischen Scat-Gesang (die südindische Mouth Percussion) und katapultiert uns in den weiten, atmosphärischen Hallraum unserer Träume.
Tablas, Sitar und Indian Flutes schillern als Farben über einen relaxten Beat mit markanten Bass-Akzenten: Überlass’ dich dem Flow, geh’ mit [dunkelbunt] und Alix “weit, weit weg“!
Alix (Alexander Leuschner), original Neuköllner und seit 2010 in Wien: Rapper, Vocalist und Songwriter. Haider Khan, geboren und aufgewachsen in Rajasthan, lebt seit 2012 in Wien, wo er als Multi-Percussionist und Sänger im Bereich Jazz & Fusion mit verschiedenen Formationen arbeitet.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann ist Producer, DJ und Bandleader. Geboren 1979 in Hamburg, lebt seit 2001 in Wien. Studium für Klavier & Tasteninstrumente an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Dem internationalen Durchbruch mit der Balkan-Hip Hop Produktion “The Chocolate Butterfly” ft. Raf Camora (2006) folgte der Electro Swing-Hit “Cinnamon Girl” (2007). Das Album “Mountain Jumper” (2015) wurde zum “Album des Jahres 2015” gekürt (ORF). [dunkelbunt] + Band ist ein weltweit gebuchter Live-Act in den Bereichen “World”, “Transglobal”, “Dub”, “Balkan Beats”, “Electro Swing”.
Raf Camora, Anuradha Genrich, Kadero Rai, Lisa Cantabile, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Boban Markovic Orkestar, Amsterdam Klezmer Band, Waldeck, Harri Stojka, Otto Lechner, Balkan Beat Box, 17 Hippies, The Cat Empire, A-WA, Chancha Via Circuito, Sara Lugo.
Tagged Alix, bass, Deutsch Rap, electronic, Exodus, Exodus-Komplex, Haider Khan, Hip Hop, India, Konnakol, New Track, Rap, Scat, sitar, tabla, transglobal, Trap, wanderlust, Weit Weg
New Track: Velavan ft. Anuradha Genrich

Artwork © Daniel Krammer (Vienna)
Title: Velavan
Artist: [dunkelbunt] ft. Anuradha Genrich
Label: [dunkelbunt records]
Labelcode: LC 43551
Rel. Date: 2019/02/22
TT: 03:02
Format: Digital
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Genre: #Reggae #Indian #Transglobal #Downtempo
Tags: #femalesinger #tamil #chinese #erhu #guzheng #reggae #fareast
> Supported by: Gaudi, Zion Train, Axel Krygier, Poldoore, Shantel, Desert Dwellers, Filastine, Bombay Dub Orchestra, Sara Lugo, Medicine Man, Sugar B, Kaya Project, Chris Tofu, DJ Farrappo, Jacob Edgar, Boomtown Fair, mps Pilot, Haris Pilton, AkizzBeatzz, Will Magid <
Velavan / short:
VELAVAN is another step in [dunkelbunt]s transglobal musical agenda taken from the upcoming 3 EP release EXODUS KOMPLEX. Reggae goes to India and then meets China, featuring the Indian Singer Anuradha Genrich: fusion-confusion, spicy and deep.Kurztext Velavan:
VELAVAN ist der nächste Schritt in [dunkelbunt]s transglobaler Agenda des aktuellen EXODUS KOMPLEX. Reggae im Stil von Indien bis China – mit der indischen Sängerin Anuradha Genrich am Mikrofon: Fusion & Konfusion, prickelnd entspannt.
Reggae – straight out of Asia. Velavan is the next stage of [dunkelbunt]s transglobal muscial agenda, with his current project “EXODUS KOMPLEX” (3 EP/CD 2019).
The track experiments with Far Eastern soundscapes, reggae beats played on Chinese instruments, the erhu and guzheng, with vocals coming from the Indian singer Anuradha Genrich.
Ever since [dunkelbunt]s headline concert at the BEANTOWN BACKYARD FESTIVAL in Bangalore (October 2018) a fascination with India developed that began on the tour itself and continued to inspire on the journey home, with the original concepts for the songs “Velavan” and “Ufos over Bengaluru” (December 2018)
With her beguiling voice, Anuradha Genrich tells of the poetic deity VELAVAN, the patron of the Tamil language. She studied classical Indian (carnatic) music in Madras and in recent years has collaborated with numerous international musicians (Desert Dwellers, Zion Train, Laya Project). Currently she resides in Vienna.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann is a producer, DJ and bandleader. Born 1979 in Hamburg and living in Vienna since 2001. He has a degree in Piano and Keyboard Instruments at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. His international breakthrough came with the Balkan-Hip-Hop single „The Chocolate Butterfly“ ft. Raf Camora (2006) and the Electro Swing follow up hit „Cinnamon Girl“ (2007). The album „Mountain Jumper“ (2015) was awarded the ORF „Album of the Year 2015“. [dunkelbunt] + Band is a internationally successful live act in the genres „World“, „Transglobal Club Music“, „Dub“, „Balkan Beats“ and „Electro Swing“.
Reggae – straight out of Asia. Velavan ist [dunkelbunt]s nächste Etappe auf seiner transglobalen, musikalischen Agenda mit dem aktuellen Projekt “EXODUS KOMPLEX” (3 EP/CD 2019).
Der Track experimentiert mit fernöstlichen Klangfarben (chinesische Erhu und Guzheng). Am Mikrofon ist die indische Sängerin Anuradha Genrich.
Seit dem Auftritt von [dunkelbunt] als Headliner beim BEANTOWN BACKYARD FESTIVAL in Bangalore (Oktober 2018) glüht die Faszination Indiens nach. Bereits auf der Tour und im Flugzeug nach Europa entstanden die Layouts zu den Songs “Velavan” und “Ufos over Bengaluru” (Dezember 2018)
Mit betörender Stimme erzählt Anuradha Genrich von der poetischen Gottheit VELAVAN, dem Patron der tamilischen Sprache. Die Sängerin hat in Madras klassische indische Musik studiert und in den letzten Jahren mit zahlreichen internationalen Musikern (Desert Dwellers, Zion Train, Laya Project) kollaboriert. Sie lebt heute in Wien.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann ist Producer, DJ und Bandleader. Geboren 1979 in Hamburg, lebt seit 2001 in Wien. Studium für Klavier & Tasteninstrumente an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Dem internationalen Durchbruch mit der Balkan-Hip Hop Produktion „The Chocolate Butterfly“ ft. Raf Camora (2006) folgte der Electro Swing-Hit „Cinnamon Girl“ (2007). Das Album „Mountain Jumper“ (2015) wurde zum „Album des Jahres 2015“ gekürt (ORF). [dunkelbunt] + Band ist ein weltweit gebuchter Live-Act in den Bereichen „World“, „Transglobal“, „Dub“, „Balkan Beats“, „Electro Swing“.
Raf Camora, Anuradha Genrich, Kadero Rai, Lisa Cantabile, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Boban Markovic Orkestar, Amsterdam Klezmer Band, Waldeck, Hari Stojka, Otto Lechner, Balkan Beat Box, 17 Hippies, The Cat Empire, A-WA, Chancha Via Circuito, and Sara Lugo.
(c) [dunkelbunt records]
Tagged Anuaradha Genrich, chinese, dance, dunkelbunt, electronic, erhu, global, indian, lindemann, music, New Track, pipa, reggae, release, song, tamil, transglobal, Tribal, velavan, World, world music
New Release: Kebab Connection (Trans Danube Mix)
Track | Title: Kebab Connection (Trans Danube mix)
Artist: [dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann
Featuring: Hidan Mamoudov, Cloud Tissa, Shazalakazoo,
Forty Thieves, Savages Y Suefo
Rel. Date: 2019-01-18
TT: 07:22‘
Label: [dunkelbunt] records
Release Form / Format: Digital Release
Genre: #Electronica #Tribal #World #Ragga #Klezmer #Balkan #Transglobal #Dance
Tags: #dub #dancehall #suaheli #remix #vienna #budapest #belgrade #hamburg #istanbul
★★ ★
[dunkelbunt] s “Kebab Connection (trans danube mix)” creates with effervescent energy a danceable extravaganza that transcends the boundaries between nations, languages, cultures and genres. Klezmer, Dub, Reggae, Ragga and rhythmic Breakz fuse into a genuinely transglobal sound.
New to this edition of almost seven and a half minutes is it’s blending of previous edits by Shazalakazoo (Serbia), Savages y Suefo (Hungary) and Forty Thieves (GB). „Kebab Connection (Trans Danube Mix)“ can be considered as meta-mix, paying tribute too the outstanding Macedonian clarinettist Hidan Mamoudov with an instrumental intro of two minutes before the Raggamuffin virtuoso Cloud Tissa carries on in English and Swahili.
“Kebab Connection (trans danube mix)” is organic music geography with intelligence, respect, humor and sensitivity, suitable for dancefloor and radio, refreshing in every context.
★ ★ ★
Inspired by my latest tour in India (that´s why it sounds chinese…) and just in time for your weekend. Now available for downloading only on bandcamp!
★ Viens avec moi – OUT NOW ★
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„Viens Avec Moi“ is [dunkelbunt]’s first collaboration with singer Lisa Cantabile and will excite us with a catchy summer tune and the right amount of „laissez-faire“. Begun on a few hot summer nights in Italy and Croatia, [dunkelbunt] and Lisa Cantabile finished the song in Vienna, joining up with the Moroccan raї singer Kadero Rai to ooze even more mediterranean vibes.
Lisa Cantabile was born in Vienna, but grew up in Rwanda and Mozambique. She is a jazz singer and yoga instructor. Kadero Rai (who has also lived in Vienna for some years) is known for his collaboration on [dunkelbunt]’s latest single „L’amour fidéle“.
★ I’m A Tribe – OUT NOW – free download ★
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[dunkelbunt] is coming up with a brand new remix for Tel Aviv based artist LOCO HOT ft the voices of the Yemenite sister trio A-WA! This song is released on Tamir Muskat´s (BALKAN BEAT BOX) label APE RECORDS, which reflects the brimming sound and creativity of its city perfectly. [dunkelbunt] met A-WA during one of his Israel tours back in 2014. Enchanted by their voices, he knew it was only a matter of time to collaborate with them. In 2016 he came across their new sound and video I AM A TRIBE and immediately got hooked and inspired to do his very own version by turning it to an oriental trap tune, which perfectly reflects the global sound of 2018.
★ New Track: [dunkelbunt] GET DOWN ★
While on tour in Hawaii I rented a bike and rode around the island of Maui.
My backpack full with two avacados, a few dates, a pocketknife and my bike repair kit. A strong wind on my back and off I went along the unforgettable Hana Highway, an experience etched into my memory. Every 10 minutes I was confronted with different climates, light, and vegetation. Roads strewn with passionfruit turning the surface into a skating rink filled with rainbows, fresh water and salt water. Sleeping under the stars and waking up with a dose of adrenalin instead of my usual caffeine because I had to climb up a tree to get to my coconut milk.
Get Down is my musical interpretation of that trip.
[dunkelbunt] ft Kadero Rai: “L’Amour Fidèle” – Free Download!
ft Kadero Rai (promo)
★ SARA LUGO – [dunkelbunt remix] ★
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Really Like You, the hit single from Sara Lugo’s 2014 album Hit Me With Music, has over 6 million views on YouTube and is still a favorite among fans from San José to Lyon, and beyond.
★ New Track – “Wish” ★
For his new single WISH, [dunkelbunt] teams up with San Francisco based musicians Will Magid (trumpet) & Paul Bertin (saxophone), Viennese singer Mela and MC Alix from Berlin.
Together they have created a mystic sound collage, enriched with instruments from various countries. The Middle East meets the Californian Bass Coast.
New Track: [dunkelbunt] ft. Alix: “Egal”
→ iTunes | bandcamp | Amazon | free download
The single “EGAL” is the precursor to the new [dunkelbunt] album “Mountain Jumper” which will be released in spring 2015 on [dunkelbunt records].
With this release [dunkelbunt] & Alix demonstrate their boundless ingenuity, when it comes to making transcontinental music: “EGAL” mixes Hip Hop with Bluegrass, German rap meets New Orleans Marching Brass and the sounds of the Mississippi Delta sail on the Aegean Sea.
On the mic is Alexander Leuschner aka Alix. Born in 1988 and a native of Berlin’s Neukölln suburb, he’s been rapping using various vocal styles from a young age. Rhythmically refined he he bounces on the verses, thoughtfully and humorously talking about life and his visions. Together with [dunkelbunt] he shares his adopted home of Vienna and a passion for merging different musical styles.
Ulf Lindemann aka [dunkelbunt] was born in Hamburg in 1979. At the beginning of the millennium in his Vienna studio, he began to merge electronic music with Balkan, Gypsy and Swing sounds and along with his contemporaries like Waldeck, Parov Stelar and Shantel who helped popularize the new music genres, „Electro Swing“ and „Balkan Beats“.
29. January 2015 / GASOMETER / Vienna (Austria)
Doors: 18:30 h | Concert: 19:30 h
JOIN → Facebook-Event
[dunkelbunt] paints his new album “Mountain Jumper” as a sound collage of the American continent when it was first founded. He mixes the diverse sounds of various local cultures with electro and modern club sounds, Bluegrass In Dub, Hilly Billy Breaks, Fiddle´n´Bass, which means not for the first time [dunkelbunt] has to come up with fresh names for new genres. Over the last decade [dunkelbunt] has toured the world as one of the pioneers of Electro and Balkan Beatz, including seven tours through North America and his new album is a reflection of these travels. “Electronic music is the foundation which the sounds of the world sit upon.”
The recent single “EGAL” is the precursor to the new [dunkelbunt] album “Mountain Jumper” which will be released in spring 2015 on [dunkelbunt records]. With this release [dunkelbunt] & Alix demonstrate their boundless ingenuity, when it comes to making transcontinental music: “EGAL” mixes Hip Hop with Bluegrass, German rap meets New Orleans Marching Brass and the sounds of the Mississippi Delta sail on the Aegean Sea.
On the mic is Alexander Leuschner aka Alix. Born in 1988 and a native of Berlin’s Neukölln suburb, he’s been rapping using various vocal styles from a young age. Rhythmically refined he he bounces on the verses, thoughtfully and humorously talking about life and his visions. Together with [dunkelbunt] he shares his adopted home of Vienna and a passion for merging different musical styles.
New Release: [dunkelbunt] ft Alix & Cloud Tissa – Boomeræng EP
Artist: [dunkelbunt] ft Alix & Cloud Tissa
Title: Boomeræng
Release Concert: 10th of December WUK / Vienna
Label: [dunkelbunt records]
Cat. No.: DBR 01
Labelcode: LC 01226
Format: Digital
File under: Dancehall, Hip Hop, Rap, Electro Swing, World
Distribution: believedigital
Release Date: 02.12.2013
1. Boomeræng (orginal edit)
2. Boomeræng (erwin & edwin remix)
3. Boomeræng (extented club mix)
4. Boomeræng (erwin & edwin remix club edit)
5. Boomeræng (instrumental)
6. Boomeræng (acapella)
“There’s one thing that we will never do together, and that’s make music!“ – „I can still hear myself saying that to Alix. That was about a year ago when we met up for the first time at the Wiener Augarten”, explains Mr. [dunkelbunt] telling the story of how his latest collaboration with the singer ALIX was born.
Last summer, Alexander Leuschner, born in Berlin, applied to [dunkelbunt] for an internship and although it had been made clear in the job description that the position did not incorporate making music but focused on the ins and outs of how a label operates he still sent in one of his songs along with a wonderfully brash application letter.
“When I listened to it I immediately felt like I’d met my musical soul mate and that was the reason I had to ring him to arrange that meeting at Augarten. Then after a few days of checking each other out we decided to make music together.” „Es ist egal, wo Du herkommst und auch egal wohin Du gehst, solang’ Du nur dem Weg Deines Herzens folgst und dafür gerade stehst….“ (“It doesn’t matter where you come from or where you’re going as long as you follow your heart and stand with pride…”) that was the first of his contributions that burrowed it’s way into my head, a chorus that Alix wrote over the [dunkelbunt] Riddim Schlawiener, more or less as an acid test. A few weeks later he was standing with us on stage at the National Tennis Center Bratislava and now I couldn’t imagine [dunkelbunt] & Secret Swing Society without him.”
The first fruits of this collaboration will be released this summer with Augen zu und durch and Süßwasser Salzwasser the lyrics as the titles suggest are in German, “We inspire each other equally. My music is a homage to him and his lyrics are a homage to me which is both beautiful and liberating.” says Mr [dunkelbunt]. “With that foundation we decided to make an album together and the first release is the track Boomeræng, incorporating rap, vocals and swinging hip hop beats, using oriental and western instrumentation with a urban and nostalgic flair.” The finishing touch comes in suaheli from the kenian singer Cloud Tissa, who collaborates with [dunkelbunt] for years: Kebab Connection, Balkan Qoulou, Give You Action – East Africa meets the Middle East. The Boomeræng Club Version was remixed by the austrian „Electro Brass Collective“ Erwin & Edwin.
Ulf Lindemann aka [dunkelbunt] was born in Hamburg in 1979 and came to Austria at the beginning of the millennium to study and make music. In 2002 in his Vienna studio he began to merge electronic music with Balkan, Gypsy and Swing sounds and along with his contemporaries like Waldeck, Parov Stelar and Shantel who helped popularize the new music genres Electro Swing and Balkan Beats.
Together with every EP or LP released, [dunkelbunt] creates a special spice blend which is included with the CD or album and at concerts the air is filled with his special fragrances. With a cinnamon wand or with aromatic oil massaging the senses of his audience they are taken on a fantastic trip to the orient or through tropical forests and fields of flowers or to his second home in the Spanish Orange blossom valleys.
Boomeræng EP: AUDIO
Facebook [dunkelbunt]
Facebook Alix
Facebook Cloud Tissa
Facebook Erwin & Edwin
Video’s (dunkelbunt Live Band):
Cinnamon Girl
Swingy Mama
The Chocolate Butterfly
Kebab Connection
[dunkelbunt] on CD/Vinyl/Digital