Upcoming shows
- 22/03/25 Dunkelbunt Social Club in Vienna at Nordbahnsaal Buy Tickets
- 31/03/25 [dunkelbunt] LIVE in Vienna at Odeon Buy Tickets
- 12/04/25 [dunkelbunt] LIVE in Vienna at 25hourshotel
- 20/06/25 [dunkelbunt] DJ Set in Hamburg at Fabrik Buy Tickets
Tag Archives: music
A wave of nostalgia sweeps through my studio, while I´m boxing the Dunkelbunt Deluxe Bundles to the sweet crackling sounds of a record. At this time of the year, I used to turn my studio into a kitchen to create spice blends for christmas markets and labeled and filled thousands of growshop baggies with my cinnamomagic coffee spice – my own version of a business card.
This year, the world turned upside down, all gigs and events got cancelled and a whole industry was set on pause, so I started to offer various “Deluxe Bundles”. Last week, I activated my studio kitchen again and I´m happy to offer a small number of spice bundles now. Scroll down for various Deluxe Bundles.
Thank you all for your support over the years!
Yours, mr dunkelbunt
>>> If you don´t use PayPal, please order via mail: office@dunkelbunt.org
>>> Please note: All bundles are limited, because some items included are nearly sold out. Thank you!
Tagged bundle, discography, dunkelbunt, electronic, music, nostalgia, records, solidarity, vinyl
OUT NOW: Istanbul’a
Santi & Tuğçe [dunkelbunt remix]
⇨ All platforms
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Istanbul’a is a song written for the ancient city Istanbul that evokes timeless questions: Can one ever leave behind one’s home? Can one ever truly arrive at a home that was once abandoned yet never quite forgotten?
The original version of this haunting track was first released in 2017 in the aftermath of political events that filled the city with great uncertainty, much like the current moment in which we find ourselves. Even more so than at the time of its original release, today Istanbul’a captures a widespread sentiment of liminality and uprootedness that echoes all around and gains new meaning in our world as we ask: Can we go back to a past that is long gone? Will things ever be the same again?
Dunkelbunt’s version features his signature of transglobal electronic-instrumental sound that is full of energy, swing and a sense of eclecticism that is as layered as the ancient city Istanbul itself.
- Label: LC 43551 – Transglobal District Records
- Cat.No: DBR46
- Rel. Date: 2020/11/09
- Format: Digital
- Genre: Dance, Electronic
VeloConcerts Austria Tour

8 DAYS = 800km, 100% Passion, 0% Emission
Get ready for eight days of music on the road with VeloConcerts, Jonas Skilboe, [dunkelbunt] and various guests like Sandra Pires, Engel Mayr Trio, Max the Sax and many more. A film crew, regional and local media and some iconic musicians will join us as we provide a platform for musicians to perform anytime, anywhere.
#0 29.05. Wien, Ottakringer Brauerei
#1 30.05. Wien-Semmering
#2 31.05. Semmering-Wildalpen-Kläfferquelle
#3 01.06. Liezen – Fuschlsee
#4 02.06. Fuschlsee – Attersee – Mondsee – Traunsee
#5 03.06.2020. Attersee – Linz
#6 04.06.2020. Linz – Spitz
#7 05.06.2020. Spitz -Wien
If you would like to join us, come along for the ride! Find our route on bikemap
For more details, tour updates and information all around the VeloStage, please visit: VeloConcerts
Join me on my trip on Instagram and facebook.
Powered by Harman Group, JBL Pro, AKG & Soundcraft
Thanks to our partners: VELLO Bike
Sponsored by: Bergfuchs
Gewürzbasar im Dunkelbunt Studio – Freitag, 2019-12-20, 11-21 H
Am Freitag öffne ich die Türen meines Studios, um Euch meine frisch ausgedachten und hausgemachten Gewürzkreationen kosten zu lassen. Ich verkaufe sie in unterschiedlichen Gläsergrößen und Sackerln zwischen 4€ und 10€. Alles in Bioqualität und mit viel Muße und Liebe hergestellt.
Außerdem gibt’s bei mir exklusiv die THE VIENNA TAPES Musik Kassette sowie vorab die im Februar erscheinende 7inch Vinyl HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR / Asia Files und natürlich den gesamten [dunkelbunt] CD und Vinyl Back Catalogue, T-Shirts & Gym-Bags usw…
Ich zeige Euch gerne meine aktuellen musikalischen Arbeiten oder klimpere Euch ein paar Takte auf dem Piano oder meinen Synthis vor.
Mein Studio befindet sich im 2. Bezirk in der Darwingasse 3/3
Offizielle Öffnungszeiten sind am 20.12. zwischen 11 und 21 Uhr. Solltet ihr schon vorher kommen wollen (Tage oder Stunden) schreibt mir ein Mail ulf@dunkelbunt.org oder klingelt einfach durch 06509250869. Ich bin eigentlich noch die ganze Woche im Studio.
➸ Picnic Melange | mediterran, geräuchert, zitronella, paprikaid
Salate, Tomten-Mozzarella, Bratkartoffeln, Champignons, Gurke, Dips, etc
➸ Harissa | oriental, rauchig, scharf
Couscous, Arabische & Türkische Küche, Antipasti, Lamm Geflügel, Tagine, Eintopf, Gulasch
➸ Kashmiri Krush | indisch, curry
Gemüse, Currys, Geflügel, Linsen
➸ Marrakesh Magic | oriental, rosig, erdig
Couscous, Arabische Küche, Lamm, Geflügel, Tagine
➸ Rose Salt | salzig, rosig
Alles was gesalzen gehört (auch gut für die Badewanne)
➸ Panch Phoron
➸ Gelber Traminer [dunkelbunt edition] | Weingut Engel
➸ The Vienna Tapes
➸ Hiroshima Mon Amour
➸ Die Morgenlandfahrt
➸ Raindrops & Elephants
➸ Sun Dub 1
➸ Sun Dub 2
➸ Mountain Jumper
➸ Cinnamon Girl
➸ Ich grill mit dir die Abendsonne
➸ Kebab Connection / Memories
➸ Smile On Your Face
➸ Chocolate Butterfly
➸ T-Shirts M/F – S/M/L (Fairtrade)
➸ Gym Bags (blue & red)
New Track: Velavan ft. Anuradha Genrich

Artwork © Daniel Krammer (Vienna)
Title: Velavan
Artist: [dunkelbunt] ft. Anuradha Genrich
Label: [dunkelbunt records]
Labelcode: LC 43551
Rel. Date: 2019/02/22
TT: 03:02
Format: Digital
⇨ all platforms
⇨ FREE DOWNLOAD via bandcamp
⇨ spotify
⇨ soundcloud
⇨ YouTube
Genre: #Reggae #Indian #Transglobal #Downtempo
Tags: #femalesinger #tamil #chinese #erhu #guzheng #reggae #fareast
> Supported by: Gaudi, Zion Train, Axel Krygier, Poldoore, Shantel, Desert Dwellers, Filastine, Bombay Dub Orchestra, Sara Lugo, Medicine Man, Sugar B, Kaya Project, Chris Tofu, DJ Farrappo, Jacob Edgar, Boomtown Fair, mps Pilot, Haris Pilton, AkizzBeatzz, Will Magid <
Velavan / short:
VELAVAN is another step in [dunkelbunt]s transglobal musical agenda taken from the upcoming 3 EP release EXODUS KOMPLEX. Reggae goes to India and then meets China, featuring the Indian Singer Anuradha Genrich: fusion-confusion, spicy and deep.Kurztext Velavan:
VELAVAN ist der nächste Schritt in [dunkelbunt]s transglobaler Agenda des aktuellen EXODUS KOMPLEX. Reggae im Stil von Indien bis China – mit der indischen Sängerin Anuradha Genrich am Mikrofon: Fusion & Konfusion, prickelnd entspannt.
Reggae – straight out of Asia. Velavan is the next stage of [dunkelbunt]s transglobal muscial agenda, with his current project “EXODUS KOMPLEX” (3 EP/CD 2019).
The track experiments with Far Eastern soundscapes, reggae beats played on Chinese instruments, the erhu and guzheng, with vocals coming from the Indian singer Anuradha Genrich.
Ever since [dunkelbunt]s headline concert at the BEANTOWN BACKYARD FESTIVAL in Bangalore (October 2018) a fascination with India developed that began on the tour itself and continued to inspire on the journey home, with the original concepts for the songs “Velavan” and “Ufos over Bengaluru” (December 2018)
With her beguiling voice, Anuradha Genrich tells of the poetic deity VELAVAN, the patron of the Tamil language. She studied classical Indian (carnatic) music in Madras and in recent years has collaborated with numerous international musicians (Desert Dwellers, Zion Train, Laya Project). Currently she resides in Vienna.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann is a producer, DJ and bandleader. Born 1979 in Hamburg and living in Vienna since 2001. He has a degree in Piano and Keyboard Instruments at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. His international breakthrough came with the Balkan-Hip-Hop single „The Chocolate Butterfly“ ft. Raf Camora (2006) and the Electro Swing follow up hit „Cinnamon Girl“ (2007). The album „Mountain Jumper“ (2015) was awarded the ORF „Album of the Year 2015“. [dunkelbunt] + Band is a internationally successful live act in the genres „World“, „Transglobal Club Music“, „Dub“, „Balkan Beats“ and „Electro Swing“.
Reggae – straight out of Asia. Velavan ist [dunkelbunt]s nächste Etappe auf seiner transglobalen, musikalischen Agenda mit dem aktuellen Projekt “EXODUS KOMPLEX” (3 EP/CD 2019).
Der Track experimentiert mit fernöstlichen Klangfarben (chinesische Erhu und Guzheng). Am Mikrofon ist die indische Sängerin Anuradha Genrich.
Seit dem Auftritt von [dunkelbunt] als Headliner beim BEANTOWN BACKYARD FESTIVAL in Bangalore (Oktober 2018) glüht die Faszination Indiens nach. Bereits auf der Tour und im Flugzeug nach Europa entstanden die Layouts zu den Songs “Velavan” und “Ufos over Bengaluru” (Dezember 2018)
Mit betörender Stimme erzählt Anuradha Genrich von der poetischen Gottheit VELAVAN, dem Patron der tamilischen Sprache. Die Sängerin hat in Madras klassische indische Musik studiert und in den letzten Jahren mit zahlreichen internationalen Musikern (Desert Dwellers, Zion Train, Laya Project) kollaboriert. Sie lebt heute in Wien.
[dunkelbunt] aka Ulf Lindemann ist Producer, DJ und Bandleader. Geboren 1979 in Hamburg, lebt seit 2001 in Wien. Studium für Klavier & Tasteninstrumente an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Dem internationalen Durchbruch mit der Balkan-Hip Hop Produktion „The Chocolate Butterfly“ ft. Raf Camora (2006) folgte der Electro Swing-Hit „Cinnamon Girl“ (2007). Das Album „Mountain Jumper“ (2015) wurde zum „Album des Jahres 2015“ gekürt (ORF). [dunkelbunt] + Band ist ein weltweit gebuchter Live-Act in den Bereichen „World“, „Transglobal“, „Dub“, „Balkan Beats“, „Electro Swing“.
Raf Camora, Anuradha Genrich, Kadero Rai, Lisa Cantabile, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Boban Markovic Orkestar, Amsterdam Klezmer Band, Waldeck, Hari Stojka, Otto Lechner, Balkan Beat Box, 17 Hippies, The Cat Empire, A-WA, Chancha Via Circuito, and Sara Lugo.
(c) [dunkelbunt records]
Tagged Anuaradha Genrich, chinese, dance, dunkelbunt, electronic, erhu, global, indian, lindemann, music, New Track, pipa, reggae, release, song, tamil, transglobal, Tribal, velavan, World, world music